Make your own Alcohol Ink DIY for Less and Save Money!!!

Make your own Alcohol Ink for Less Money and Create Amazing Colors. Perfect for making Christmas ornaments,backgrounds for scrap-booking, tiles, and much more!!!
You will need:
Alcohol over 90% I used 91%
Different items you can use to color the inks: permanent markers, highlighters, food coloring, or Rit dye. (I used highlighters and permanent markers from the dollar store).
Cups, funnel, syringe, or turkey baster (to transfer finished ink to containers).
Containers to hold the finished ink. (I bought these spray bottles from Walmart for .97 cents they can be reused as often as needed). You can also reuse any bottles you might already have.
Initial cost for each complete bottle of ink was approx. 1.40. Huge savings.
Mix and match colors to create many different add a drop of brown or black to get muted colors. The possibilities are endless!!!

